Earn a coupon for $20.00 off, if we accept your submitted photo for purchase.
Simply, submit a Picture of our Product used at an event, used to create a craft or in any interesting way you feel shows your creativity and our product.
If accepted for purchase by Confetti.Com,
We will publish in our HOW TO Customer Gallery Area with your name credited.
We will Credit your name on any future use of the photo.
The photo will become the exclusive property of Confetti.com for use in any manner we wish.
You affirm that at the point of submitting the photo, you have full rights and permission to photo the subject matter, and that the photo itself is your exclusive property.
You hold Confetti.Com harmless of any infringement, intended or not.
All photo must be in jpg or png format and less than 1mb in size.
To submit a Picture, Click Here
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